
The Mom-break Myth

The kids are fighting for the millionth time. The chores need done for the millionth time. The laundry sits and waits for my attention for the millionth time. Someone is hungry, someone is thirsty, someone is climbing something they shouldn’t, and I am feeling tired. This mom-life gig is hard. It is monotonous and every …

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Mom Math: My 3 kids do not equal your 3 kids

Have you ever been at the park and noticed a mother with the same number of children as you? Were they similar to your kid’s ages? Did you think you were living mirrored lives, except the only difference was she seemed to have it all together? We easily compare ourselves in motherhood, but I’m here …

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Motherhood Travel

Traveling the 50 states

We have a goal to travel through the 50 states with our kids in the next few years. This dream was birthed when we were in the thick of baby and toddler years. Hours spent at home nursing and rocking babies, led my wanderlust heart to dream up family adventures. Did I mention I am …

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Faith Motherhood

Is she a Super Mom?

Tonight at work I met a couple who have 8 children: 4 biological and 4 adopted. All 4 adopted children are siblings who have a life-long debilitating medical condition. This mother homeschools her kids and somehow finds the time to run a nonprofit organization that specializes in social justice for children. How?  I mean, how …

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Faith Homeschooling Motherhood

Feeling weary Mama?

Do you ever wake-up feeling weary? Ever feel like you are ten steps behind before you even begin the day? Where will you possibly find the energy or motivation to tackle today when you are still tired from yesterday? I face this predicament at least once a week and typically on a Tuesday. Tuesdays follow …

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Motherhood Travel

Family adventure is HARD, but worth it!

We have all been there. You see the photos that someone shares of their latest family adventure, and they look so happy and full of life standing by the ocean’s water or on the ski slopes.  You think, “Awe, we should do something like that.” But, then reality sets in and you recall that you …

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